Dartmouth Events

Children of Men Screening

This movie screening is part of the Children of Cuarón, Speculative Futures Through Cinematic Fiction Conference. Directed by Alfonso Cuarón (2006).

6 pm – 8 pm
The Nugget Theater, Hanover
Intended Audience(s): Public
Categories: Arts and Sciences, Dialogue Project, Films

As a grim prophecy of our current condition, Children of Men, set in 2027, follows the struggles of an immigrant mother and her male chaperone to deliver the first baby born in 18 years to a future plagued by environmental and social decline. Directed and co-written by Alfonso Cuarón.

Wed, Feb 19, 6 p.m.
The Nugget Theater, Hanover

Free entrance for all -no tickets required- and complementary popcorn and soda for the first 25 guests to arrive!

Part of the Children of Cuarón: Speculative Fiction Through Cinematic Futures Conference, sponsored by the Department of Latin American, Latino, and Caribbean Studies, and the Dartmout Dialogue Project

For more information, contact:
LALACS Department

Events are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted.