Dartmouth Events

Antifascist Language in Multilingual Societies: A Virtual Symposium

Webinar event to discuss use use of antifascist language across many cultures and societies. https://politicallang.wixsite.com/join/program

10 am – 5 pm
Intended Audience(s): Public
Categories: Lectures & Seminars
Registration required.

Politicians, pundits, journalists, and many academics in the Anglophone and not only Anglophone West tend to discuss and encourage political (i.e., public) language on monolingual terms. The default is to speak of "political language" in the singular and to marshal the language of a given country's white majority as the unquestioned default. Little could be more inequitable and disenfranchising when most societies have long been multilingual on account of to Indigenous survivance and migration. Learn more at https://politicallang.wixsite.com/join/program


For more information, contact:
Yuliya Komska

Events are free and open to the public unless otherwise noted.